Saturday, 12 November 2011


Waiting for laundry to be done, so I'm writing this post. Anyway, I've decided that being a teenager really sucks for everyone involved. But what can we do about it? Nothing really, but smile and hope that there's something better when you reach adulthood. Probably not. But what's life without a little hope? Haha! :D Also, secrets. All of a sudden they're a big part of my life. People keep them from me, I keep them from them, and it's all good. Only a select few know my innermost secrets. My special club? All three cats, my therapist (Bedtime Bunny), Beth (my journal), and, of course, God. Thank goodness I know I can always rely on Him, right? :) Feelings. Sometimes it's hard to hide them. Guess this one also goes with secrets. :| Trying to be what people expect of me isn't always easy. I listen to my friends, but I'm rather reluctant to talk to my friends. I like it when things are at least semi-under my control. I don't like giving the wheel to others... Is this a fault maybe? Probably. *sighs* Dryer just stopped. :) Soryr for the cryptic (and maybe slightly depressing) post. This is just what's on my mind right now. :) I'll try to find something happier to write about later to lighten up the mood...


Heidi said...

Marissa - I love to read your blog. I just wanted to tell you (as someone who is still settling into adulthood) that adulthood really is so much better than teenage-hood. I don't know how to describe what you can look forward to, other than independence and really knowing yourself and getting to know what you want for the rest of your life. It's really nice. And you'll make it! I think you are fantastic!


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