Cat being force fed→
So, I know that I just posted this afternoon. But I just had the most...interesting experience. Now, normally you expect a cat to just go over to the food bowl and eat, right?- Open a cat of smelly, squishy, and slightly watery prescription cat food.
- Set it down hopefully in front of cat.
- Watch in despair as cat mournfully walks away.
- Sigh, and make sure syringes are clean.
- Attempt to suck food up through syringe.
- Give up after all you get is air bubbles and a few droplets of food.
- Use butter knife to try and push food through top of syringe.
- When putting syringe back together, promptly squirt cat food all over kitchen.
- Repeat step 7 and 8 until thoroughly frustrated.
- Finally figure out that if you fill syringe not all the way full, and aim it into can that you will no longer have to mop up decayed fish...I mean, cat food.
- Set syringe and cup of water on a tile or other easily mopable floor.
- Grab cat and try to squirt food into mouth.
- Change shirt, as it now has food on it.
- Put on apron, refill syringe, and try again.
- Promptly be scratched in the face with some of those wicked looking claws. Don't be fooled, just because they're sick does NOT mean that they won't fight!
- Grab and old towel and wrap kitty up like a burrito. Cradle him in one arm while trying to put syringe into mouth with the other hand. Kitty will then turn his head every which way in an attempt to escape the horrible stuff. (But who can really blame him? I wouldn't want to eat that...)
- Ask family member to come hold him tightly while you hold his head and gently squirt the food into his mouth.
- Sigh in relief.
- Realize that you still need to feed him more.
- Repeat
haha! This is great. Love it.
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