Saturday, 12 November 2011

Cat Person

Yup. I'm definitely, undeniably a cat person. Surprise surprise! :) Now, some people may ask, "Why cats? Dogs play with you. They're more loyal than cats. They're cuter!" (personally, I think that that's just a personal opinion. I think cats are MUCH cuter than dogs!) Well, have you ever tried to snuggle with a dog? First off, they smell. Maybe not your dog, but most dogs I've seen smell. Ew! Snuggle time is suddenly much less enjoyable... My cats smell like my Wall Flower currently. Creamy Nutmeg. Mmmm! Makes cuddling with them much more fun. Plus, cats tend to be softer. Well, at least indoor cats tend to be softer. They feel like little puff balls. Who doesn't want to sit down and pet a puffball? Also, I like how cats have a mind of their own. They don't let other people push them around! Can we say great role models anybody? Though, admittedly, this can get annoying when trying to break them of bad habits... But never mind that! And I just love how vibrant their personalities are! Now, I could probably write for a long time about how great cats are, and bore you with my kittie stories. But, since I have to go shower, and I don't want to bore you, I'll just stop here. :) Cat's are great companions. Not saying I don't love dogs, because I do, I'm just, well, a cat person!

P.S. Check out my new signature and the cool new post font!!



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