Monday, 12 April 2010

Role Models

Alright, so I have many role models. I want to model myself after so many great people, and that's great! I want to be better, and to have someone or something to model yourself after really helps. Some of my role models? Here they are, and why.

My Mom: Alright, so everyone's role model is their mom, and for good reason too! Of course, no other mom is as great as my mom, and I'm not just saying that. I know I can go to her for help. She can make me laugh, make me feel like I'm someone special in this world, and make me feel like I'm loved, because I am. She teaches me, and lets me learn. She doesn't hover, but she's always there when I need her. She's amazing, and I want to be just like her. I can only hope to be as great a mom as she is.

My Dad: He loves me, and is always trying to do what's best for me. I can tell that whatever he does, he does because he loves me. Love basically radiates off him! He's always doing the right thing, and I love him a ton! I don't like it when he's not here for dinner, or when he goes to meetings, but I know he's doing what he has to. He is active in his calling, and is working hard to make a living for his family. He is a great role model, I love him SO much. ♥

Jesus Christ: He should probably be at the top of this list. Who doesn't want to be like Christ? He love unconditionally, he helps, heals, loves. He is the greatest role model of all.

Trevor: He's so funny, so fun to be around. I want to be as happy as him, and as great a friend and sibling as him. He can tell awesome jokes, and it seems like he's always happy! I love him SO much!

Kristen: She is so happy! All the time! She laughs a lot, and her laugh is contagious and AMAZING (like mine! ^_^) . It's just such a happy sound! She knows that family, and friends are important. She is bubbly, and really fun to be around. She knows who she is, and she knows how to love. I really want to be like her. I also want handwriting like her. ;)


Kristen K said...

This made me smile. :)


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