Friday, 12 July 2013

A few of my favorite things

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Sherlock Text Tones

Hey everybody! I spent today taking bits of audio from Sherlock clips, and making them into kind of short text alert things. Anyway, thought I'd share them. Feel free to download them and use them. Some are a bit longer than others... Enjoy! (also, some of them have weird music in the background... If that bugs you, don't use them. I was too lazy to take it out... Haha!)

EDIT!: I don't know if the links below will look. Click here for a list of all of them in Dropbox. :)

It's a text alert, it means I've got a text.

Ear flaps. It's an ear hat John!

S: Alone is what I have, alone protects me.
J: Nope, friends protect people.

Get off my sheet! 

Why is it always the hat photograph?

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

I don't have friends!

Because I had a the shop...with a chip and pin machine.

I'm in shock! Look, I've got a blanket.

But initially he wanted to be a pirate.

John and Sherlock laughing :)

No, I'm Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone because no one can compete with my MASSIVE INTELLECT!

Not our division!

J: Severed head!
S: Just tea for me thanks.

Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. Watson

I'm not a pyschopath, Anderson, I'm a high funciton sociopath, do your research.

Yes, thank you for your input.

That's what people DO!

We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.

You machine!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Hehe...Hey again...

Hey, long time no see! Or write... Or whatever... So, it's been a while. Lots has happened. I've started high school. I'm learning the guitar. And my life has been taken over by writing. YAY! I seriously love writing guys. There's just something about it that makes me so incredibly happy! I have a couple of writing blogs that you should check out, because they're awesome. And honestly, I update them a lot more than I do this blog... So check 'em out!

Random Tidbits
This is my blog where I post...well...random tidbits! Sometimes I just think of scenes from books I'll never write in my head, and I write them down, and post them here! Lately though, there's been a lot of scenes from the book I am writing... They're all in rough draft form, and some are better than others. But it's pretty cool. I like reading though it. :) So go check it out!

This is where I post author reviews, book reviews, and writing advice. Not that my writing advice is great, but there it is. It's kind of my take on the world of writing. I'm currently going through the writing process from start to finish, and posting about it. Currently we're on outlining and character analyses... Cool beans, yeah? But it's pretty cool too. Go check it out. :)

That's all for my post today. Maybe I'll try to post more often. My life just isn't that exciting...

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Recent one liners

Want bangs. Now.
Ack! That was my hand!
They're... in my face.
I'm a ghost! Oh, wait, no.
Sewer... :)
Go team go!
Uh, thanks?
Well, maybe I'll let you lick off my plate...
Chords aren't that hard.
How do you make these look good?
Guys, guys, guys. Konnor!
I'm not hyper...
Gegenuber, gegenuber, gegenuber
What the frea--Willy...
Oh, strawberries
I have no affiliation
"Fax me!" "Fr srsly?"

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


As you may or may no (probably not) have noticed, my blogger name has been changed to Moondream. Why, you ask? Well, it has to do with warrior cats... My friend Taya wanted to start a warrior role play blog again. I agreed to help. You should all join. Cause it's going to be awesome fun. :)

Join. Now.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Writing and my dream life

First off, I'd like to express to you all how much I love to write! No joke... It's amazing! There's just something about it that makes me happy! I love fantasy, because I feel it gives you the most creative freedom. You don't have to research facts, or stay within the limits of this world. Most people (or maybe it's just me...) read books to escape this world! And I feel fantasy does that best. Just my personal opinion.

So, anyway, I'm writing a book called Reverie. It's my little pet. It's kind of awful right now (I mean...uh, it's great! *flick*) but I hope some day that it will become great. If you guys are interested, I have a blog called Inkblots, and it's where I share my writing advice (not that it's especially good or anything....) and update you on the going ons of my story writing. So far I've not been doing very good at updating, but I predict that changing... Hopefully. Today I wrote a post about SCSS, and I think it's pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself.

I also love just writing little bits of stories! Often times I get story plot ideas, but only when I'm not looking to start another project. (and then when I say, "Hey, I want to write a book with a really good plot line!" Guess what? No ideas... Anywho) So, I get these ideas, but don't have time to expand on them. What do I do? First, I add the idea to my nifty idea list (not to be shown to the public at this time) And then, since most of my plots come from a single scene I imagine, I write down the scene. I have loads of random, story-less chapter tidbits. So what did I do? I made Random Tidbits (of stories I'll never write). It's a pretty fantastic blog, if I do say so myself. I often find myself reading it whilst bored. Though, as you read it, remember that it's all ROUGH DRAFT. So, don't expect to go and read amazing stuff or anything like that...

Alright, now away from my blogs, (P.S. If you didn't get the hint, I'll be blunt now... GO READ MA BLOGS! [you really only need to read the 2nd one, unless you love writing like I do...]) and away from writing all together! Well, almost. So, I found myself daydreaming today while my hot water boiled for ma cocoa. And I was thinking about how awesome it would be if everything went my way. Want to hear my "never-going-to-happen-quite-like-this-but-I-hope-to-get-somewhat-close" dream life? Aight, here goes.

We'll start off when I'm 18. Somehow I have a really great job, with super fantastic hours, and great pay. I have enough money to move out! Also, I have a car. A nice one... I move into a pet accepting apartment, and bring my kitties with me. I will the promptly get a kitty loving puppy, 2 chinchillas, and maybe some African Dwarf Frogs... My roomates will be totally cool with it. I will get my bachelors in History Education, then maybe move to Williamsburg and live on that ADORABLE little house on main street! And, well, obviously I'd work there... I'd stay for a few years, maybe meet some nice guys... ;) Then I'd want to move back to my good ol' home in Utah, get my Masters, get married, move to some cute place where it snows a lot, we have a large house, live near the woods, and have room for a horsey... :) I'd spend my days writing books, and, well, obviously I'd teach History... (on a Junior High level maybe? Or possibly High School...)

There ya have it. My dream life. Honestly, I know that that's not how things are going to go down, don't worry. But it IS fun to dream sometimes! :) So, now I'll awkwardly wrap up this post with two entirely different sections that don't relate to each other at all...


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